Chicken drawing

We have been learning how to use the drawing tools in google slides. I have learnt to use the curve tool and sketch over the chicken to make this cool sketch. We are doing this to hang it on the chicken fence to make it look cool.

Dog growing poem

WALT: identify syllables 

Success criteria:

Choose an Animal: I picked an animal that has one beat (syllable) in its name

Count the Beats: Each line of my poem has one more beat (syllable) than the line before.

Make It Make Sense: My poem tells a little story or describes my animal in a fun way.

Check My Beats: I counted the beats in each line to make sure they are right.

fake news

we learnt how to spot fake news. scammers change a letter or number from a URL web address to make it look real to make you believe that there site is real so you believe their fake news.


We  have been learning about maramataka The Māori calendar begins in Pipiri (June/July) with the reappearance of the Matariki star cluster signalling the New Year. Learn the names of the months and nights in the traditional Maramataka  I choose whiro because I love eeling Eeling is good on that day.

We made dioramas. I made mine out of paint, clay, sticks and leaves  1st I painted mine then i made a river and made a whare out of clay and sticks then a person. I put sum leaves of the top and made a moon but the hardest thing to make was the face and the person and the whare.

Garden To Table